Verified Customer
“Outstanding service. They were extremely careful delivering the extra large container into our driveway.” -- A. L. GARNER
Public Service Commission (PSC) for a proposed 11.42% rate increase across accounts it services in 11 local counties, as reported by The Preston County News & Journal.This would be the first rate increase for the company's Bridgeport Hauling operation since the last one was finalized in November 2009. Residential customers could potentially see their monthly bills increase by $4 or more. An additional $1.50 per bag charge has also been proposed for any account with more than six bags to limit customers sharing service. The increase would generate an estimated $1.23 million in additional annual revenue based on $10.73 million in revenue for 2015.The PSC will now conduct an audit of the filing and release a final ruling on the proposed increase. If approved, this could also open up the potential to renegotiate rates for commercial and industrial customers.Dive Insight:When asked what factors led to this rate increase request, Waste Management of West Virginia's public affairs office told Waste Dive that it was to "recover inflationary increases of operating cost since our last filing in 2008." According to the company's Form 42 application filed with the PSC additional factors also include, "...increased compensation to drivers, managerial, and administrative employees; increased employee health insurance premiums and coverage; increased liability insurance premiums and coverage; increased workers compensations cost; costs of employee benefits; and cost of new equipment."Based on the filing, "wages and salaries," "management fees" and workers compensation were among the largest projected operating and maintenance expenses. The company indicated a 2.5% increase in wages for both 2016 and 2017 which could be a sign of increased competition. The ongoing driver shortage has affected companies throughout the industry, including Waste Management, and led some to make their wages more enticing.These types of rates increases aren't uncommon, especially as the industry continues to wait for a potential resurgence of some commodity prices. While recycling costs weren't explicitly mentioned in the filing they may be playing a factor in the company's financial decisions. Waste Management has shut down about 20% of its recycling facilities and begun shifting away from the weight-based approach... (Waste Dive)
Office of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation, and planner Jonathan Knight check on the smoldering underground fire at a long-abandoned coal mine in Preston County earlier this year. Legislation to speed-up the funding of abandoned coal-mine cleanups and to focus some of that spending on projects that help the economy in ailing coalfield communities moved a step ahead Tuesday in the U.S. House.Legislation to speed up the funding of abandoned coal-mine cleanups and to focus some of that spending on projects that help the economy in ailing coalfield communities moved a step ahead Tuesday in the U.S. House.Members of the House Committee on Natural Resources approved what is known as the “RECLAIM Act,” and sent the measure on to the House floor. The full name of the bill is the “Revitalizing the Economy of Coal Communities by Leveraging Local Activities and Investing More Act of 2017.”Under the bill, the federal government would advance the release of $1 billion — $200 million annually for five years — in money from the Abandoned Mine Lands, or AML, program to help communities that have traditionally relied on coal production for jobs but have been hurt by the downturn in the coal industry that’s been b... (Charleston Gazette-Mail (subscription))