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Lake. Their whole worldview is shaped by the infrastructure of their neighborhoods like North Lawndale or Englewood.”This is a first time partnership with both organizations. Myers said Chicago Cares is also in conversation with Local Initiatives Support Corporation, which is based in Chicago. “They manage a large lots program in the city,” Myers said. “They are looking to find out how residents who purchase lots from the city can repurpose them so that “it’s attractive and an asset to the community.”Chicago Cares in years past has conducted service projects in the neighborhood.Each year they host a major volunteer event, serve-a-thon, where they renovate schools. Myers said some of the schools have been in Woodlawn. Currently, they are working on a mosaic mural installation with Green Star Movement for the Metra Underpass, as well as in the Dorchester community garden. About 250 to 300 volunteers are expected for the event, which kicks off at 8 a.m.Members of the Jackson Park Advisory Council and Green Star Movement will also be volunteering on Saturday.To find out more information visit ... (Hyde Park Herald)